playlists / Devcon 1
Only a few months after Ethereum came to life, DΞVCON 1 was held in London in November of 2015. Presenters remained hard at work on each piece of the original Ethereum roadmap, early dApp teams took the stage, and supporters teased the early industry adoption that was to arrive soon.
Agreement Making in Solidity: A Legal Perspective
Bill Marino of Cornell Tech presents on Agreement Making in Solidity: A Legal Perspective.
Bill Marino
Balanc3: Triple Entry Accounting
Jeff Scott Ward and Christian Lundkvist of ConsenSys ( presents on Balanc3, a smart contract powered Triple-Entry Accounting system.
Jeff Scott Ward, Christian Lundkvist
Dr. Jack Peterson presents on Augur (, an open-source, decentralized prediction market built on Ethereum.
Jack Peterson
BlockApps STRATO
Victor Wong, Kieren James Lubin, Jim Hormuzdiar Present on BlockApps STRATO, a full-stack technology solution that allows users to build industry-specific Blockchain applications on the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
Victor Wong, Kieren James Lubin, Jim Hormuzdiar
Blockchain Model Canvas
Blockchain Model Canvas
Adi Chikara
BTC Relay
Joseph Chow (Lead Developer) presents on BTC Relay (, a collection of smart contracts that allows Ethereum developers to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain and verify Bitcoin transactions.
Joseph Chow
Matan Field presents on Backfeed (, which develops resilient technology and new economic models to support free, large-scale, systematic collaboration.
Matan Field
Banking with Smart Contracts
Lee Braine (Barclays), Ian Cusden (UBS), Rex Maudsley (Societe Generale), Andrew Keys and James Slazas (ConsenSys) discuss banking with Smart Contracts.
Lee Braine, Ian Cusden, Rex Maudsley, Andrew Keys, James Slazas
Ethereum's Vlad Zamfir presents on Casper, the PoS blockchain architecture for Serenity release.
Vlad Zamfir
Colony ( is a decentralized governance and community collaboration platform for contributing ideas, making decisions, doing work, giving feedback on the work of others and building reputation.
Jack du Rose
Building a DApp: Design Principles for Dapp developers
Ethereum's Alex Van de Sande presents on Design Principles for Dapp developers from a UX perspective
Alex Van de Sande
Communicating the Ethereum Narrative
William Mougayar ( presenting on the best ways to ccommunicate the Ethereum Narrative.
William Mougayar
Building a DApp: What are DApps and why Meteor
Ethereum's Fabian Vogelstellar presents on DApps and why Meteor is awesome (
Fabian Vogelsteller
Challenges in Public Economic Consensus
Vlad Zamfir discusses the challenges in finding public economic consensus with indirect relation to Casper PoS.
Vlad Zamfir
Dangerous Old Men: Cypherpunk's Failure, Ethereum's Success
Vinay Gupta presents on cypherpunk's history, it's failure and Ethereum's success. Vinay Gupta is a leading thinker on infrastructure theory, state failure solutions, and managing global system risks including poverty/development and the environmental crisis. He is inventor of the hexayurt. Vinay formerly served on Ethereum's communications and release management teams.
Vinay Gupta, Imogen Heap
DApp Design Patterns
Joris Bontje presents on DApp Design Patterns - the best way to build you DApp.
Joris Bontje
DApps Framework
Ethereum's Konstantin Kudryavtsev presents on Embark, a DApp Development Framework built by Iuri Mathias.
Konstantin Kudryavtsev
Tim Coulter of ConsenSys ( presents on the DApp Store (, a platform for sharing Ethereum based DApps.
Tim Coulter
Decentralized Reddit
Connor Keenan of ConsenSys ( presents on his decentralized version of Reddit built on Ethereum.
Connor Keenan
Ethereum's Alex Leverington presents on "devp2p", Ethereum's networking protocol.
Alex Leverington
Ethereum's Wendell Davis takes the stage to announce the continuation of the Ethereum DEVgrants programme thanks to a generous donation from Omise (
Wendell Davis
Digital Identity
Christian Lundkvist of ConsenSys ( presents on digital identity.
Christian Lundkvist
Roman Mandeleil, the Lead Developer of the Ethereum Java client shows off Ether.Camp, a block explorer, IDE and Hackathon Manager on Microsoft's Azure Cloud.
Roman Mandeleil
Ethereum for Dummies
Ethereum's CTO Dr. Gavin Wood presents "Ethereum for Dummies" or "So, now we've built it, WTF is it?"
Gavin Wood
Ethereum & WebAssembly
Ethereum's Martin Becze presents on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly
Martin Becze
ENS (Ethereal Namespace)
Ryan Casey of Maker DAO ( presents on ENS (Ethereal Namespace), a contract system and set of conventions for unifying all simple (word-sized keys/values) registries into a single hierarchal namespace.
Ryan Casey
Ethereum in the Enterprise Environment
Ethereum's Taylor Gerring presents on Ethereum in the Enterprise Environment.
Taylor Gerring
Formal Semantics for Protocols
Peter McBurney presents on Formal Semantics for Protocols at Ethereum's DEVCON1.
Peter McBurney
Gaming on the Blockchain
Panel focusing on gaming on the blockchain, chaired by Wendel Davis with Peter Borah, Julian Pittleman, Jim Berry and Tyler Smith
Wendel Davis, Peter Borah, Julian Pittleman, Jim Berry, Tyler Smith
Ethereum The African Opportunity
Wayne Hennessy-Barrett of 4G Capital ( presents on "Ethereum: The African Opportunity (Nairobi)".
Wayne Hennessy-Barrett
Martin Koppelmann Presents on Gnosis ( Gnosis enables you to make predictions on all kinds of events.
Martin Koppelmann
History of the Blockchain
Nick Szabo takes the stage to present on the history of blockchain technology and his work on the Ethereum tech stack.
Nick Szabo
FreeMyVunk: Join the movement
Tyler Smith presents on FreeMyVunk (, a DApp dedicated to empowering people to fight for ownership rights over their virtual property, virtual junk or VUNK.
R. Tyler Smith
IBM MTN Project
IBM's Henning Diedrich presents on the IoT MTN Project.
Henning Diedrich
How Blockchain Technology Can Help us Achieve Prosperity
Don Tapscott takes the stage at DEVCON1 to discuss how blockchain technology can help us achieve prosperity.
Don Tapscott
Inflekt: Event & Community Management
Ashley Taylor of Consensys ( presents on Inflekt, an open source tribal network and events management platform.
Ashley Taylor
A look into using IPFS with Juan Batiz-Benet to distribute datastructures for various Ethereum use cases, from off-chain data, to the chain itself. IPFS A look into using IPFS to distribute datastructures for various Ethereum use cases, from off-chain data, to the chain itself. About Juan Batiz-Benet Juan Benet invented IPFS, and Filecoin. He is also the founder of Protocol Labs.
Juan Batiz-Benet
Introduction to Consensus
Dominic Williams delivers a presentation on an "Introduction to Consensus".
Dominic Williams
Insurance on the blockchain
Elias Haase of B9 Lab presents on insurance on the blockchain.
Elias Haase
Keynote and Ethereum roadmap
In this first video from the ÐΞVCON ONE series, Vitalik Buterin, Jeffrey Wilcke, Alex van de Sande and Gavin Wood present the Ethereum roadmap.
Vitalik Buterin, Jeffrey Wilcke, Alex van de Sande, Gavin Wood
Lightning Talk: HitFin
Patrick Salami presents on HitFin (, a bilateral trading and settlement platform for over-the-counter derivatives.
Patrick Salami
Liquidity on Blockchains
Casey Detrio presents on Liquidity on Blockchains with Batch Auctions and Smart Markets.
Casey Detrio
Lightning Talk: Provably Honest Oracle Service
Thomas Bertani presents on Oraclize (, a set of tools and APIs aiming to enhance the power of smart contracts by pushing external data to the blockchain.
Thomas Bertani
Nikolai Mushegian presents on Maker (, a contract system which creates and maintains the Dai Stablecoin.
Nikolai Mushegian
Lightning Talk:
Aeron Davis presents on Metamask, a bridge that connects the web of today with the web of tomorrow.
Aeron Davis
Middleware & on-chain Services
Ethereum's George Hallam moderates a panel on Ethereum Middleware and On-Chain Services
Roman Mandeleil, Piper Merriam, Christian Lundkvist, Joseph Chow, Nikolai Mushegian, George Hallam
Lightning Talk: Reality Keys
Edmund Edgar presents on Reality Keys ( The Reality Keys™ service provides automated and human-verified data designed to enable a new generation of automated, trust-free information services.
Edmund Edgar
Lightning Talk: Learning Ethereum & How to navigate the community
Hudson Jameson presents on the best way to navigate the Ethereum community and the tools they use to communicate.
Hudson Jameson
Microsoft Announcing Ethereum Blockchain as a Service (ETH BaaS) on Azure Cloud
Microsoft's Marley Gray takes the stage to present on Eth Baas, the Ethereum blockchain-as-a-service on the Microsoft Azure Cloud, created in partnership with ConsenSys spokes BlockApps and Ether.Camp.
Marley Gray
Monadic Design Patterns for the Blockchain
Lucius Greg Meredith gives an update on "SpecialK" - the formal verification software being used with Casper + an overview of monadic design patters.
Lucius Greg Meredith
Myths and Facts of Reputation Systems
Andres Junge of Yaykuy ( presents on the myths and facts of reputation systems.
Andres Junge
Nano-payments on Ethereum
Piotr Janiu of Golem ( presents on Nano-payments on the Ethereum blockchain
Piotr Janiuk
Prediction Markets Panel
Panel: Prediction Markets Edmund Edgar (Reality Keys), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), Jack Peterson (Augur), Martin Koppelmann (Gnosis), Moderator: Stefano Bertolo
Edmund Edgar, Vitalik Buterin, Jack Peterson, Martin Koppelmann, Stefano Bertolo
An introduction to Ethereum's IDE Mix.
Arkadiy Paronyan
Progressing toward the Ethereum Light Client
Ethereum's Zsolt Felfoldi presents on the progress made towards the Ethereum Light Client.
Zsolt Felfoldi
Niran Babalola of ConsenSys ( presents on Regis, a platform for building and deploying registries into the Ethereum network.
Niran Babalola
Jessi Baker
Layer 2s
Ethereum's Dr. Gavin Wood moderates a panel with Vitalik Buterin, Martin Becze, Dominic Williams and Vlad Zamfir on scalability with Ethereum.
Gavin Wood, Vitalik Buterin, Martin Becze, Dominic Williams, Vlad Zamfir
Rebuilding Enterprise Processes with Blockchains and Smart Contracts
Mathew Spoke of Deloitte presents on rebuilding the enterprise process with blockchains and smart contracts.
Mathew Spoke
Scalable Blockchains & Asynchronous Programming
Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin presents on scalability and asynchronous programming.
Vitalik Buterin
Raiden: Scaling Out With Offchain State Networks
Ethereum's Heiko Hees presents on Raiden, the Bitcoin Lightning-Network inspired extension to Ethereum which scales-out asset transfer capacity.
Heiko Hees
Securing Ethereum
Ethereum's Dr. Jutta Steiner and Gustav Simonsson present on the work undertaken to secure Ethereum.
Jutta Steiner, Gustav Simonsson
Ethereum's Christoph Jentzsch presents on (, an IoT/Blockchain company that allows users rent, sell or share anything!
Christoph Jentzsch
Shh! Whisper
Ethereum's Co-Creator Dr. Gavin Wood presents on Whisper (, the 'pitch black' P2P messaging protocol. Apologies for the poor video framing, individual slides can be found here -
Gavin Wood
Smart Bonds
Stephan Karpischek and Ian Cusden of UBS ( present on their Smart Bonds Platform built using the Ethereum software stack.
Stephan Karpischek, Ian Cusden
Vitalik Buterin, Dr. Gavin Wood, Fabian Vogelsteller, Nikolai Mushegian and Christian Lundkvist discuss standardisation in the Ethereum space.
Vitalik Buterin, Dr. Gavin Wood, Fabian Vogelsteller, Nikolai Mushegian, Christian Lundkvist
Ethereum's Dr. Daniel Nagy and Viktor Tron present on Swarm, the decentralised, incentivised file storage system.
Daniel Nagy, Viktor Tron
Simon de la Rouviere of ConsenSys presents on tokens and standards on the Ethereum blockchain.
Simon de la Rouviere
The Pathway to Ethereum Adoption
A panel focusing on "The Pathway to Ethereum Adoption" with Vinay Gupta (, Gavin Wood (, Joseph Lubin ( and William Mougayar (
Vinay Gupta, Gavin Wood, Joseph Lubin, William Mougayar
Transactive Grid: A Decentralized Energy Management Solution
Transactive Grid, decentralized energy managment solution An Ethereum-enabled Community Energy Market Sharing Economy for Microgrids is a joint venture uniting LO3 Energy ( and ConsenSys (
Lawrence Orisini
Towards a Dynamic Economic, Social and Political Mesh
Joseph Lubin of ConsenSys ( presents on "Towards a Dynamic Economic, Social and Political Mesh".
Joseph Lubin
Synthetic Assets
Dominic Williams presents on Synthetic Assets at Ethereum's DEVCON1.
Dominic Williams
Ujo Music
ConsenSys's Phil Barry presents on Ujo (, the recent revolution in digital music consumption – and streaming in particular!
Phil Barry
Towards Imandra Contracts: Formal verification for Ethereum
Grant Passmore of Aesthetic Integration ( presents on Imandra, the breakthrough artificial intelligence technology for ensuring financial algorithms are designed and implemented safely and fairly using formal verification.
Grant Passmore
Universal Hash Time
Jeff Coleman of Ledger Labs ( presents on the Universal Hash Time + State Channels.
Jeff Coleman
Towards safer languages for smart contracts
Jack Pettersson and Robert Edström present Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden present on a dependantly typed functional language for smart contracts.
Jack Pettersson, Robert Edström
Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol
Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin presents on the intricacies of the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol.
Vitalik Buterin
Weifund & Boardroom
Nick Dodson of ConsenSys ( presents on Weifund (, the decentralised crowdfunding platform and Boardroom (, a blockchain governance DApp.
Nick Dodson